Nice work! Let's summarize the steps to consider.

You made it to the end of this path! You’ve learned the power of the Cisco match and that starting to save early can help you reach your financial goals. You also learned ways to make managing your savings easier, so you can focus on your other priorities.

Cisco is waiting to give you the match. All you have to do is enroll.

3 steps to consider.

  • Save what you can.

    Contribute 4.5% and you’ll get the full match—or 6%, what most new hires are starting to contribute. If that’s too much, start with just 1% and work up over time.

  • Explore simpler ways to invest.

    The Cisco 401(k) helps make investing easier with a LifePath® Index Fund F or a managed account with Edelman Financial Engines.

  • Put your savings on autopilot.

    Consider signing up for the annual increase service to save a little more each year, hands-free.

Target Date Funds are an asset mix of stocks, bonds, and other investments that automatically becomes more conservative as the fund approaches its target retirement date and beyond. Principal invested is not guaranteed.

Edelman Financial Engines® is a registered trademark of Edelman Financial Engines, LLC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Advisory services, including Online Advice and Professional Management, provided by Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C., a federally registered investment advisor. Results are not guaranteed. Edelman Financial Engines is not affiliated with Fidelity Investments or its affiliates.


Have a 401(k) from your old job?

Consider rolling it in to the Cisco 401(k). Your money still has the potential to grow tax deferred, as it did in your old plan, but it's easier to manage when it's all under one roof.

Want to dive deeper? Try these tools.

  • Financial Wellbeing Pros

    Get help prioritizing your goals, managing your budget, and finding money to save.

    Try it now
  • Edelman Financial Engines

    Learn how a managed account can help make investing easier.

    Learn more
  • Fidelity's Planning & Guidance Center

    Use Fidelity’s online Planning & Guidance Center to create your holistic financial plan, or call 800 603-4015 to speak with representatives who can provide one-on-one help at no cost to you.
