Cisco pays you to save.

When you contribute to the Cisco 401(k), your contributions will double automatically, up to the first 4.5% of eligible pay you contribute. That’s the power of the Cisco match.

Cisco is waiting to give you the match.

For every pretax or Roth 401(k) dollar you contribute to the 401(k), Cisco also adds a dollar, up to 4.5% of your pay. It’s like getting free money for your future. But you have to enroll to get it. And if you receive a bonus, you’ll want to make sure you contribute some from that payment to get the full match by making a bonus/commission pay election.

What could the match mean for you?

Let’s say you earn $100,000 a year, and receive the company match of 4.5% on your 401(k) contributions.

Save 8%
of your pay
Potential account balance after 30 years
Save 15%
of your pay
Potential account balance after 30 years